الرئيسية » اي لايف مكنسة روبوت A10، ملاحة ليزر ذكية ورسم خرائط متعددة الارضيات، شفط قوي 2000 باسكال، اتصال بالواي فاي، تعمل مع اليكسا، مثالية لشعر الحيوانات الاليفة والارضيات الصلبة والسجاد متوسط الوبر
اي لايف مكنسة روبوت A10، ملاحة ليزر ذكية ورسم خرائط متعددة الارضيات، شفط قوي 2000 باسكال، اتصال بالواي فاي، تعمل مع اليكسا، مثالية لشعر الحيوانات الاليفة والارضيات الصلبة والسجاد متوسط الوبر
أبعاد المنتج: 31.24 x 9.5 x 33.02 سم; 2.63 كيلو غرام
الجهد الكهربائي: 14.8 فولت
مستوى الضوضاء: 70 ديسيبل
أجهزة متوافقة: أمازون إيكو
الميزات الخاصة: ➤ لاسلكي ➤ ملاحة ليزر ذكية ورسم الخرائط ➤ تنظيف مخصص متقدم ➤ رسم خريطة متعددة للأرضيات ➤ تحكم ذكي في التطبيق ➤ شحن بطارية ذكي ➤ شفط قوي 2000 باسكال ➤ تعزيز تلقائي على منطقة مخصصة ➤جدول زمني قابل للتخصيص ➤ فرشاة دوارة عائمة 2 في 1 ➤ أوضاع وجدولة تنظيف متعددة ➤ مثالية للأرضيات الصلبة وشعر الحيوانات الأليفة والسجاد
【ملاحة ليزر ذكية، تطبيق وتحكم صوتي】: منطقة مخصصة، منطقة السجاد، منطقة التنقل، المنطقة المحظورة، جدول التنظيف. حدد المناطق التي تحتاج إلى تنظيفها والمناطق التي يجب تجنبها على تطبيق اي لايف هوم وسيوجه الروبوت نفسه وفقًا لخريطتك المخصصة. يعمل جهاز A10 مع اليكسا، يمكنك البدء والتوقف عن...
User reviews
If you have a pet that sheds, you are probably going to find this very useful. It was a revelation for me as to how much my dog sheds when i saw the amount the amount of pet hair iLife a10s collected. I clean the dust container and wheel brushes almost daily . I like to keep my equipment clean. It also helps the cleaner give its best each time it cleans. The map function in the device is perfect. It scans the house quickly and it homes in on the base station also perfectly. The device is great at navigating random obstacles as long as they are not human. The moment it comes across a human in its path, it cancels its program and goes back to the base station. So, stay out of its way when its cleaning. Cleaning is 80-90% good. Meaning there are going to be missed spots . No harm in doing another run on a given room or a spot! costs nothing. For best results remove as much furniture as you can from the floor and pickup bits of paper or other non-dust/hair items from the floor. These tend to jam the cleaner. This is not like your regular vac that can suck in even larger pieces of garbage. I also found that its best to keep the base station on a power line that has a UPS/Inverter on it. The robovac got confused mid cleaning when power went out. I had to re-pair the bot to the wifi. For cleaning, Its easy to remove the dust containers, wheel brushes etc., detangling human hair from the wheel brushes is going to be the only biggie. Pet hairs are not long enough to tangle and end up in the dust container . Its easier if you clean it every day after a cleaning session. Keeps the job simpler. The dust container and the brush lids plastics are not the best quality, but they are not bad either. I have not tried mopping. Our house help does the sweeping and mopping at a different time. Yes, the bot collects a container full of pet hair and dust 12 hours later in spite of the house help's efforts. Its easier in weekends too after a session of cleaning cobwebs and AC filters one has to just make sure all the dust is on the floor and ask the bot to clean it up.Post cleaning the floors feel like they have been mopped (even if i dont use the mop function). It does a good job. Neither this product nor our house help can do 100% percent clean job day after day. At least the robot will happily clean your whole house the second time without grumbling.I end up using the smart app and room specific cleaning function all the time asking the kids/pet to stay out of the room being cleaned. The fact that this cleans under the bed and steel almirahs keeps those spots clean too. House helps usually miss those on a regular basis.make sure to mark virtual walls to your no-go areas such as bathroom or balconies from where it cannot come back on its own or is likely to get damaged.At times i've noticed that it gets stuck between dining table chairs and asks for help to get out of the spot. More often than not i have had to restart the room cleaning from the beginning. Its easier to keep the dining chairs out of its way (like on the table itself) so that the bot can clean without obstructions.Lesser the obstructions faster it cleans as it does not have to slow down to navigate the obstacle. Thanks to lidar and obstacle sensor it does not ram into obstacles. It slows down automatically when it nears an obstacle and carefully navigates it. Since this is down slowly & carefully, it slows down the cleaning process. So, removing obstacles speeds up cleaning time.Is it worth the price? I'd say yes especially if you have a pet and you find yourself constantly dusting pet hair from everything in the house.August 2022My app said that the twin brushes, main brush and the hipaa filter are nearing 50% efficiency. a visual inspection shows only the main brush having a lot of wear. What happens is the hair when it tangles on the main brush tightly coils around it and cuts through the softer rubber parts. The cuts increase as time goes by as more and more hair tangles around the brush. I guess we may have to replace the main brush every 6 months or so. I'm okay with that. The container gets full with just about 600 sqft of vaccuuming. Thats how much dust and pet hair it picks up. No complaints.
Wasn't sure what we were getting into but a prolonged absence of the maid and the continuous nagging of the better half provoked me to do some research and I ended up ordering this model from Ilife. Primarily selected it for the good after sales reviews, rest all features being comparable.We have been using this robot for more than 3 months now and are more than satisfied with the product.Installation was a breeze and the lidar and mapping function is very accurate. The app is very comprehensive and easy to use. Also the use of lidar means the robot works without light and there isnt any banging about at all.We got a welcome call from the Ilife executive and she guided me through the entire process.We had a persistent error message coming and when we logged the complaint, we had a very prompt response. The technician did a video call and identified the source of the error. And voila! It was sorted. The technician gave follow up calls for the next two days before closing the ticket. Really appreciate the service and support.Coming back to the robot.. the cleaning is very good and methodical. You can adjust the suction speed as well as the side brush speed. The accessories and spares given will take care of your needs for atleast a year.The mopping is also very good and uses minimum water. The thouroughness of the robot's cleaning meant that we moved the maid to other work in the house, further freeing up the missus!The icing on the cake is the ability to schedule the cleaning with room specific cleaning. My wife wanted the kitchen mopped first before any other room. Definitely possible! Kid wanted the room clean at a particular time... easy peasy!All in all... a wonderful tool for the house. We have ended up ordering one for the parents too...Jo biwi se kare pyaar... woh iLife se kaise kare inkaar...😊😊
Product is working perfectly. Tried both vaccuming and mopping, it's working as per my expectations. Will keep watch and update review after two months.Initially I was having issue with map creation, but Ajay from tech support helped me out with demo video. Demo was very well presented and super informative.Update after 1.5 months: Product is working fine without any issue at all. Company has sent a skin free of cost and it looks super cute now 😄. Uploaded video with skin.