Eczema therapy hand cream

$10.52 $11.07 Best deal today
$10.52 $11.07 Best deal today

This breakthrough hand cream helps to improve the 4 symptoms of eczema – itch, the appearance of redness, dryness and irritation. With ACTIVE NATURALS®Colloidal Oatmeal, it helps relieves dry, itchy, irritated hands, leaving them feeling moisturized, even after hand washing. Plus, it’s steroid-free, fragrance-free and nongreasy.

83% of eczema patients reported visible improvements in the appearance of hands in just 1 week.

Dermatologist Recommended
AVEENO has harnessed the soothing power of ACTIVE NATURALS oatmeal to help you care for your skin with eczema. Developed with leading dermatologists, this breakthrough cream helps relieve irritated skin and moisturizes to help strengthen the skin’s natural barrier function and prevent the recurrence of extra dry skin.

And it’s enriched with ceramides, essential lipids naturally found within the skin, which play a key role in enhancing and restoring the skin’s protective function. Clinically shown to help reduce the itching and irritation of eczemaof your skin. It’s even dermatologist tested and gentle enough for use on babies and children with eczema.

Customer FAQ

Is this product okay to use on the face or would it be too think/clog the pores?

This product is very fine, smooth and thin. For keep your face moist, it is the best, in my opinion, than any other Aveeno lotion or cream, a lot better for your face than Aveeno face cream too.

Is this for rosacea it says so but not on the front label

I am not sure, but I know my dermatologest gave me a speical ointment for roscea.

I love all of the Aveeno products ... I'm just wondering if this product is O.K. to use purely as a daily moisturiser for regular eyelids (no eczema).

I’ve used it on my face (including the eye area) as a moisturiser. However, for daily use I tend to use a lighter weight Aveeno product. As an eye cream I use an Avene product which is very soothing as well as moisturising. Good luck.

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